Meat of dairy?
Did ya know they is two different type of goats, Meat or dairy ...What type of goats are mine?...I'm thinking that Popcorn
Is both a meat and dairy...since she is half dwarf ( which is one of the dairy breeds of goats) and half fainter ( a meat type )....
just a dairy type....since he is a dwarf goat...
where Watermelon is
In which these small breed of goat seam to like to take a nap in their feed least Watermelon does...He is such a character...
From what I have read that I remember is that the Nigerian Dwarf goat is a power house of a dairy goat...they can produce as much as 3/4 gallon in some lineages of this which are a small size goat breed ( one of the two that always gets mixed it seams)...
In photo above they ( Popcorn and Watermelon ) are in the pen together...for breeding and companions...Chickens and ducks are housed in this area as well.
I have thought about getting maybe couple more goats ( Nigerian Dwarfs) if I can find them...I would also like to eventually maybe get a Nubian pair of goats . Nubian goats are another breed of dairy goats...but I do so like these little ones I have...maybe just the breeds I have or might add a pygmy or two...,lol
If ya decide to get goats ya need to decide what your intentions are with them , besides brush control.
If ya want dairy...their are many breeds to choose from- Alpine, Nubian, Lamancha
besides the Nigerian Dwarf
If ya decide to get a meat type of goat these are a few breeds -Boer, Kiko, Spanish, Pygmy, Fainting
are just a few ....
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