Copper intake

Did ya know that goats need copper?...yup , that's right I said copper... Do you notice the bald spot on Popcorn's nose?...I do believe that is from copper deficiency,....they will loose hair , they won't have a gloss to their coat of hair...sometime ya even have to give them a bolus of copper...Thankfully I didn't have to do this ( yet) So I started to add minerals to their feed in the morning and it cleared it up...I am keeping on top of it as of right now... I did go to my local feed store and got a bolus apparatus thing to ( don't know what actually it's called), just in case I have to administer a bolus down the line...I love my goats and don't want anything to happen to them... Copper is just one of the minerals that they need...and the mineral mix I use ( came with these two goaties has the other ones) Some breeders give their Copper boluses thru bananas , fig newtons, I got some bananas to see if these two like bananas...umm nope.... But fig ne...