Copper intake
Did ya know that goats need copper?...yup , that's right I said copper...
I did go to my local feed store and got a bolus apparatus thing to ( don't know what actually it's called), just in case I have to administer a bolus down the line...I love my goats and don't want anything to happen to them...
Copper is just one of the minerals that they need...and the mineral mix I use ( came with these two goaties has the other ones)
Some breeders give their Copper boluses thru bananas , fig newtons, I got some bananas to see if these two like bananas...umm nope....
But fig newtons they did love...but then I realized later that day that Watermelon the fig newtons didn't agree with I guess it will be a bolus next time instead of something more yummy...
Copper helps with the development of the Central nervous system Bone growth and over all health of the goat
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